Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Time and A Pace 

As I sit here listening to Irish Pub music in honor of St. Patrick's day, whooshing my way through facebook, emails and this blog, I thought I'd write down a few thoughts, even though I don't have too many at the moment...this is the first time I've sat down all day; a little brain dead! 

I haven't walked since Monday after all my boasting of having walked for seven days in a row!!  Nancy and I did six of them together, yay Nancy! Were you as beat as me? The seventh was with Anne and Linda.  As exhausted as I was after walking 6 days with Nancy (she's tough!), I lagged behind Anne and Linda, but finished the whole trek with them.  Surprised myself, I thought I was going to quit on them.  We have some great little hills in the various neighborhoods you'd see us in that some of us try to avoid...but not Anne, she seems to know where they all are and she leads the way!

I know that this walking is really good for all of us and even though I would occasionally walk by myself, knowing I can find someone to walk with now is very motivating.  I look forward to it enough to put off cleaning my house, cooking dinner, etc, unfortunately!  Not much is getting done...I have to pace myself girls!  Seven days  is not good for me!  I get home, take a shower and hit the bed!!  So this past week I tried to catch up from the week before.  Maybe this coming week I may have to just stick to 3 or 4 days!

So did any of you walk this week?  Count me back in this coming week, but see you (some of you) for brunch and the show tomorrow!!  Cindy, hope your knee is feeling better...those darn hills!, and that you'll be back with us know how fast the end of the year is going to get here!